
The Modern Priestess School is a certification program that incorporates a synthesis of two decades of deep, thorough, and effective framework for womxn to heal past negative imprinted memories, tap into their unique divine power, and embody their soul's calling. This program is to train therapist, healers, yoga instructors, wellness coaches, life coaches to bring deep authentic spiritual and life-enhancing practices to their clients.

This framework is intended to cut through the bullshit in the spiritual community and give you tools and practices so that you can be in your highest destiny path, and certify you on the path of being a Modern Priestess, and serve others.

The first step is the Divine Foundation Temple.

Course Curriculum

Hey there! It's Asha

Molecular Biologist turned Mystic and the perpetual Business Witch.

This program is a proven framework that will allow you to heal, align to your Divine Power and live in Sacred Balance- and help your family, clients & students do the same!


Weekend 1

You will learning, practice & master how to heal emotional wounds from past, present, and an accessible tool to deal with future challenges. This is Meditation & Healing 2.0 and can be done in 5 minutes to insure your clients know what it means to be in the present moment & in full Presence. You will be certified to teach this to your one-on-one clients.

Weekend 2


You will learn how to maintain divine power and navigate worthiness barriers & be given a framework to coach one-on-one clients to live & do life in their sacred power in co-creation with the Universe. It will include ancient Hara practices (Womb practices), Witchy Magick, Human Design. Most importantly, we will focus on Healing Ancestral wounds and Activating the Power of our Rich Ancestral lineage.

Weekend 3


You will do a deep dive on the principles in The Priestess Code (TM) to understand how to coach people to balance the over-expressed Masculine within, and activate their Sacred Feminine. You will be able to walk people through transition phases in their lives, pinpoint what season they are in, and walk them through how to make changes in their lives with compassion. This Portal is the activation of the path of the Great Mother.